Пятый канал IP TV

Радио России

Channel Five is a St. Petersburg federal television channel that has a rich history. The birthday of Leningrad television is 1938, when the first production went on the air, with which regular broadcasting began. In the post–war years, TV shows were broadcast for two hours twice a week, since 1950 - every other day. And it was only in 1956 that television broadcasting in the northern capital became daily.

Leningrad television was a pioneer in many ways. In 1949, for the first time in the country, a May Day demonstration was shown in Leningrad from the Palace Square. It may also be recalled that the first video recorder in the USSR was tested on Leningrad television. The first reports from space were also conducted from Leningrad.

From the beginning of the 90s to 1998, Leningrad Television was called the Broadcasting Department of LCRI and carried out All-Russian broadcasting. In 1999, the channel acquired its current name. In 2010, Channel Five implemented an unusual concept of an "interlocutor channel". New programs and talk shows have appeared.

Channel 5 belongs to the Petersburg shopping mall.
Channel Five traces its history back to 1938, when the Experimental Leningrad Television Center (OLTC) was established. From 1997 to 2006, the channel's broadcasts were broadcast only in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. It received the status of an all-Russian channel in 1995 and now has licenses in 83 regions, not counting St. Petersburg and LO.

Channel 5 broadcasts around the clock. Mostly, multi-part films and TV series are broadcast, as well as news, feature films and their own programs.
The highlight of the TV channel is the annual broadcast of the All-Russian alumni holiday called "Scarlet Sails". These broadcasts have become a tradition.

What are we watching?
• News broadcasts are presented by the Izvestia program.
• The channel airs a large number of TV series for every taste: action-packed ("Survive at any cost", "Abbot"), detective ("Trace", "The Magnificent Five"), criminal ("Conditional cop").
• The program "Angel's Day" is being broadcast in an unusual format: This is a social pro

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